Vortex announces its renewal with NPPGov Cooperative Purchasing Program

Vortex is pleased to announce it has renewed its contract with National Purchasing Partners (NPPGov) Cooperative Purchasing Program
When cities and counties, and their parks and recreation districts, want to acquire aquatic play solutions, they are normally obliged to follow a long, drawn-out RFP process. It takes time. It takes energy. And it’s a drain on staff and other resources.
There’s a much easier, faster way. Eligible government entities like parks and recreation departments can use the National Purchasing Partners cooperative contract rather than completing their own RFP process to procure goods like aquatic play equipment. It’s a simple process that usually meets your governmental procurement requirements.
Eligible Buyers:
- Fire
- Law
- Education
- Non-profit
- Government
The Process:
Competitively bid agreements are publicly solicited and awarded through a Request for Proposal (RFP) issued by a Lead Public Agency. National Purchasing Partners serves as a nationwide channel to offer public awarded agreements to public entities. Publicly awarded contracts are established through the following process:
Vortex is an approved vendor in the Recreation & Amusement Structures, Playing Surfaces & Equipment category. To learn more about Vortex’s pricing and contract details, members can log in here: nppgov.com.
Still have questions about cooperative purchasing programs? Check out this previous blog post for a closer look at the benefits of purchasing cooperatives: